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Welcome to Best for Babes’ one-stop resource for Breastfeeding Activism and Breaking News about the rights of mothers and babies to breastfeed and to achieve their personal breastfeeding goals – whatever those are! Here you’ll find the latest news and information about breastfeeding advocacy campaigns and events, breastfeeding laws, tips for successful activism, and how moms just like YOU can get involved by becoming a BFB Super-Babe and help put an end to the legal, cultural and institutional Breastfeeding Booby Traps®! Breastfeeding is among the most cost-effective and highly-preventive ways to protect the health of moms, babies, the population, even the planet. As such, it’s ALL of our responsibility, whether we breastfed or not, to help moms and babies succeed. Moms and babies deserve cheers, not sneers!

Note: Best for Babes’ advocacy role in the Breastfeeding Cause is to coalesce  powerful resources and advisors around this critical issue and to be a catalyst for societal change.  While we are supportive of many individual and collective efforts to end the suffering, discrimination, sabotage and harassment too many moms endure while trying to breastfeed, BFB’s reporting about any particular activity or news item does not necessarily imply our endorsement.